Quality Inn

Janak Dhabuwala’s path to America is unlike that of many immigrants. Unlike those seeking a drastic improvement in their lives, Janak already had a successful career as a dermatologist in India. Yet, his decision to immigrate was driven by a powerful force: family reunification. He prioritized his son's dream of practicing medicine in the US, even if it meant sacrificing his own established career. This selfless act highlights the importance family holds in Janak's life.

The initial adjustment was difficult due to cultural differences and isolation. The initial days in America were a stark contrast to Janak's previous life. The cultural shift from a bustling Indian city to a secluded area in Connecticut was jarring. The loneliness of being separated from his family for a year compounded the challenges. Even basic tasks like finding familiar food proved difficult. However, amidst the hardship, Janak encountered unexpected kindness. People in his new community offered him food and support, demonstrating the compassion that can exist even between strangers.

Due to the extensive additional education required to practice medicine in the US, Janak opted for a new career path. This decision showcased his adaptability and willingness to embrace new challenges. He, along with his brother and cousins, saw the motel industry as a good entry point for starting a business together. This entrepreneurial spirit and emphasis on family teamwork became the foundation for their future success.

Building a new life in America involved not just personal adjustments but also a shift in careers for Janak. He, along with his brother and cousin, embarked on a family business venture. They strategically divided locations between Connecticut and New York, leveraging their teamwork to manage multiple motels. Having physician brothers provided a financial safety net during potential rough patches, allowing them to weather challenges without giving up. Janak's perseverance shone through as he tackled difficulties head-on, never considering quitting. While he undeniably made sacrifices, like leaving behind his established medical career and social circle, he found new forms of fulfillment in the motel business. This included prioritizing customer satisfaction, building connections with the local community, and fostering a sense of belonging. Janak's problem-solving mindset proved invaluable, allowing him to tackle issues like a burst pipe in the middle of the night. These experiences demonstrate Janak's adaptability, resilience, and the importance of family support in building a new life.

Janak's approach to the motel business extended beyond just providing a place to stay. He actively valued customer feedback, viewing his guests as teachers. Their interactions helped him identify missing amenities and opportunities to improve his business. Fortunately, Janak's experience in the US wasn't marred by racism. He successfully achieved his American Dream of a better quality of life, enjoying aspects like cleaner air, a more relaxed pace, and a reliable healthcare system. A turning point came when Janak realized his motel business could contribute to the community. By engaging in social service initiatives, he found a new sense of purpose and fulfillment that bridged the gap he felt from missing his Indian social circle. This highlights Janak's ability to adapt and find new meaning in his adopted home. This newfound purpose, exemplified by offering free shelter during a winter power outage, provided a sense of accomplishment and helped him build new connections within his adopted home. Janak's story is a testament to resilience, his ability to adapt to cultural shifts, and the importance of building connections with his customers and the community. It also reminds us that the American Dream can have different meanings for different people, with Janak prioritizing quality of life and the ability to contribute to his new surroundings.

Janak's commitment to his community extended far beyond simply running a successful motel business. He fostered a remarkable partnership with law enforcement, exemplified by his role in assisting federal agencies like the US Marshals in apprehending criminals. This dedication to public safety even earned him a prestigious national award, solidifying his status as a "Best Citizen of the USA."

One instance perfectly encapsulates Janak's resourcefulness and unwavering support for law enforcement. He recognized a person wanted by federal authorities staying at his hotel. With remarkable strategic thinking, Janak assigned the criminal a room with an adjoining vacant unit, providing easy access for a police takedown. However, initial confusion arose when officers arrived to find the room empty. Janak, ever the problem-solver, cleverly suggested removing marked police vehicles to avoid spooking the criminal upon his return. He even proposed using plainclothes officers and unmarked SUVs for a more discreet operation.

Janak's astuteness extended beyond room selection. He pinpointed the window as the only potential escape route and recommended placing an officer below to apprehend the criminal if he jumped. He also readily offered the key to the adjoining room for additional officers and positioned another across the hall for surveillance. The situation unfolded with unexpected twists. The criminal, upon returning, entered through an unforeseen back door, but his arrival was fortunately captured on camera. A tense standoff ensued as officers identified themselves, prompting the criminal to attempt a desperate escape. He attempted to flush potential drugs and even considered jumping from the balcony, only to be deterred by the officers waiting below. Cornered and with no escape route left, the criminal was apprehended thanks to the well-coordinated efforts facilitated by Janak's quick-thinking

Janak Dhabuwala’s journey in America is one to remember. He overcame the challenges of cultural shift and career change to find success in the motel business. But Janak's story extends far beyond financial achievements. He actively created connections with his customers, embraced social service initiatives, and even played a pivotal role in assisting law enforcement.

The culmination of Janak's dedication to public safety arrived with a prestigious national recognition – the "Citizen of the Year" award presented by the Attorney General. This rare honor, bestowed upon only 35 individuals in the US's entire 217-year history, solidified Janak's place as a true American hero. His story serves as an inspiration, reminding us that heroism can emerge from unexpected placse, and that even immigrants, starting anew, can leave a lasting and positive mark on the nation they call home.


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